Video Tutorial How To Wear Hijab Modern Newest and Most Complete 2013

Video Tutorial How To Wear Hijab Modern Newest and Most Complete 2013

Video Tutorial How To Wear Hijab Latest Modern and Complete 2013 - What is ithijab ? In Arabic, hijam means "barrier". But the word "Hijab" more often refers to the veil worn by Muslim women. However, in the view of Islam, hijab is appropriate dress code in accordance with the guidance of religion.

Video Tutorial Cara Memakai Hijab Moderen Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2013

Wearing Hijab set of Video Tutorials New and Complete

One verse in the Quran that describe the obligation for Muslim women to wear the hijab one of them was found in the al confederates: 59, which means:
"O Prophet! Tell kepadaisteri-wives, your daughters and wives of the believers danisteri" draw their cloaks all over their bodies "Lv so that they are easier to determine, because it impeded them. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. " Jewelry is an airy dress that can cover the head, face and chest. (Al Ahzab: 59)
Of the above paragraph, we can see that the veil was "a kind of airy dress that can cover the head, face and chest." Whereas in today's world many women use the veil but does not cover the chest and other parts of the genitalia. Then hijab as whether we should use? For more details, please see the image below:

Criteria hijab is right according to Muhammad Nasir AL Albany
"Should cover the whole body, except the face and two hands, the veil is not an ornament, not thin, not tight so that reveal the shape of the body, not sprayed with perfume, does not resemble the man ma clothing or clothing infidels and women are not the clothes themselves to seek popularity "

"Hijab, in recent years in Indonesia serng times sounding word hijab. So so popular, the word hijab. Then, if it's true veil? Hijab is covering, the hijab is a barrier, hijab is a veil. In the hijab we are familiar with hijab, a loose clothing for the Muslim woman, the woman who claimed to love to Allah SWT. The hijab is a loose-fitting clothing that is then added khimars or veil, to cover the genitalia of a Muslim woman who shalihah. I remember a few years ago when I was still in the era ignorance, I am very happy and proud when people praise her beautiful hair, when people began to say, very good you're dressed like this, I am wearing clothes open at the time. Until then at one point I then thought, was beautiful in the eyes of man, but I am not beautiful in the eyes of Allah, beautiful eyes of man, all human eyes seem to see it, but there's no meaning in the eyes of Allah. For my friends who have not brhijab, who are still hesitant to cover herself with a veil, why should postpone again? Many people now say more noble dijilbabi first, then the new body. Why do not we change that paradigm? let's say I was kept bismilllah ya Allah, hopefully with this hijab me being obedient servant. Servant who always run the command-command ya Allah, a lot of people looking for an excuse to cover his heart first and then his body, but if you want to wait like that, going until when? because this man hilap place and wrong. If waiting for liver menghijabkan first want until when? Because humans continue to err, ... "for more information you can view it here (Oki Setiana Goddess in the event tausiyah)

Previously I'm sorry, I mean not knowingly or what, but this is just as sharing knowledge alone. If you decide to use the hijab, let's first know what hijab and what functions well. Do not wear the hijab if you ignore its function, because it is useless. Do not make it as a compulsion, but make provision so that you know what kind of hijab is justified in Islam. Should always be remembered, hijab is not jewelry. Even in a statement stated "that the more the views of men on you, the more your sins". So remember, wearing hijab is not to vying for attention. Anyway I think she would be more beautiful if you wear hijab which is encouraged in Islam. Remember, the hijab does not necessarily go to heaven, let alone who do not.

Yep, maybe that's all I want to say. Hopefully can be useful, especially for those who need it. For those of you who want to know what to wear hijab means you can visit the website:

I suggest a more selective in choosing hijab. Despite its name, the hijab, but not all of the hijab serves as a hijab (covering genitalia). If you love your father, then close the genitalia, if you love your husband, then close the genitalia.

That article aboutVideo Tutorial How To Wear Hijab Latest Modern and Complete 2013 , For less and lebihnya I'm sorry, because to be honest I am not a cleric, nor a priest. I just wanted to pass on information that might be useful to you. Termakasih
Video Tutorial How To Wear Hijab Modern Newest and Most Complete 2013 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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