How to Brighten Dull face with the Natural Mask!

How to Brighten Dull face with the Natural Mask!

How to Brighten Dull face with the Natural Mask! - Hi pal inner, this time will share the inkesehatan blogspot info surrounding facial skin care is about "How to Brighten Dull face with the Natural Mask!". On this occasion, we will discuss how to make a mask with natural materials but efficacy is not inferior to the masks that cost selangt. Curious? Let's go read!

Cara Mencerahkan Wajah Kusam dengan Masker Alami!
How to Brighten Dull face with the Natural Mask!

Why has a bright and fresh faces that important?

Because by having a bright and fresh faces will of course increase your sense of self-percha when appearing before others. Especially if you have to attend important events such as meetings, job interviews, and other important events.

By doing daily facial treatment may not be enough to make the skin bright and not dull. Therefore extra care is needed, and one of them with diligent use masks made from natural. Why should naturally? Because many people believe that something natural was safe hehe.

Ok now let's learn how to make a mask with natural ingredients. For more details, please refer to the following explanation:

1. Egg White

Did you know, to make the face look brighter and immediately we can also use materials that cheap diataranya using puith eggs. Easy to do it, we just need to separate between Puth eggs and egg yolks. Well, when the egg whites have been separated, we can use it to mask and use it every time we are going to sleep. Then the egg whites will harden, and we can wash it with water when we had to get up early the next morning

2. Honey and aloe vera

Furthermore, we also can use Honey and aloe vera. Both natural ingredients that can help treat acne. Because honey has antibacterial properties that will fight the bacteria that causes acne. As for the function as anti-inflammatory aloe vera that will soothe redness caused by acne. Way too easy we just need to mix one tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of aloe vera sap mix well, then rub on the surface of our face. Apply and leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

3. Yogurt

In addition to honey and aloe vera, we can also use yogurt to be used as a mask. As a natural ingredient in yogurt can eliminate dirt and oil that stick to the skin. For oily skin, apply plain yogurt on the face and leave for 10 minutes then rinse with water. Then the cooling properties of yogurt can soothe the skin. So it will be more subtle kulitpun

Oh yes, Mask of yogurt can also help lift dead skin cells know !!!. The trick is to mix the yogurt with chopped almonds or oatmeal and apply on face. After a rather dry, do a massage with gentle circular motion. And it also can reduce oily skin.

4. Good

Furthermore, we also use pumpkin to be used as a mask. Because the pumpkin contains zinc which can resist oil and dull on the face. Pumpkin also contains fruit enzymes that remove dead skin cells without the use of scrub. To do that, mix two tablespoons of fresh pumpkins that have been finely grated with one white egg, a teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of tomato water. Apply on the face that had been cleaned, avoid eye mask on, and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this regularly in order to get maximum results.

5. Tomatoes

The tomato is a fruit that is a very good antioxidant free radical meawan so by using the face mask daam form will make the skin more bright and prevent the appearance of acne

It's easy, first tomato puree with a blender. Then mix the powder with milk and honey to taste and stir until evenly distributed. Once everything is really tercamur, we can make it as a face mask that will give moisture to the skin while the skin will gradually whiten

Read also previous article about "10 Ways to Brighten Dull and Oily Face Naturally in 1 Week".
To have facial skin bright and fresh, in fact is not necessarily the way a lot of money. Because we can also use natural ingredients that certainly cheaper and easier to obtain. Because there must be pretty expensive. ^ _ ^
How to Brighten Dull face with the Natural Mask! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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