How to Treat Glaucoma Naturally

How to Treat Glaucoma Naturally

Treatment of Glaucoma Naturally -Taukah You Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness 2nd largest in the world? Glaucoma even belongs to a group of eye diseases that can damage the optics of the eye and cause blindness. So sebernanya Glaucoma what is it?.

Glaucoma is a disease wherein increased fluid pressure in the eye. If it is not treated immediately may be patients who develop the disease will lose sight of this matanya.penyakit generally can affect both eyes, although perhaps only one eye who experience severe symptoms.

Cara Menyembuhkan Penyakit Glaukoma
Glaucoma disease, What and how to treat it?

Causes of Glaucoma?

Actually cause glaucoma not yet fully known. However Glaucoma usually occurs as a result of fluid buildup that causes nerve eye - the eye nerve is damaged and can not deliver the blood gets eye.

In the eyes of healthy liquids to be dried teratur.Namun eye on those who develop the disease in the eye Glaucoma Drainage system does not work well, so that fluid accumulates in the eyes and cause pressure on the eye. Over time the eye pressure slowly menyababkan important nerve fibers die.

Type - the type of Glaucoma

There are some types of glaucoma, Are as follows:

a. Angle Closure Glaucoma
Glaucoma is included into acute glaucoma. he will come suddenly. Patients will experience excruciating pain and could not even see at all in an instant. But fortunately for the pain of the pendertia will immediately rushed to the doctor so quickly handled and prevent more severe damage to the eyes.

b. Open Angle Glaucoma
Glaucoma disease process is so slow that the patient did not feel any symptoms and do not know it. So many people did not receive medical treatment until there is permanent damage to the eye.

c. Low Tension Glaucoma
In this type of pressure in the eye is normal, but the damage to the optic nerve still berjadi. Perhaps this is because the optic nerve over-sensitive.

d. Pigments Glaucoma
This type usually develops in early or mid-adulthood. Pigment granules emerging from behind the iris spread within the eye. and resulted in the trabecular meshwork. so that pressure decreased eyesight.

Disease symptoms of Glaucoma

To find out if you are affected by glaucoma, at least you should know what glaucoma symptoms first. Here are some of the symptoms that typically occur when a person is experiencing glaucoma.
  • Sore eyes Severe
  • Blurred vision into
  • Eyes Redness In
  • Eye pain that accompanied Nausea and Vomiting
  • When looking at the lights you will see a rainbow and eyes hurt because of swelling of the eye
  • Vision problems that occur unexpectedly due to lack of light.

In fact, sometimes people with glaucoma did not feel any symptoms - but at what level they become acute can not see. Therefore Glaucoma is often named as "Thief of Sight".

Who's at High Risk of Glaucoma Disease Suffering?

Here are some categories of people who have a high risk of glaucoma:
  • More than 60 years old, when over 60 yrs of people susceptible to this disease, because of the ability of the nervous system in the eyes has decreased.
  • Suffering Chronic Diseases, for those who have chronic diseases such as Cardiovascular, Diabetes, High Pressure Dara, hypothyroidism are at high risk of developing glaucoma.
  • Family history, if there is one your family Glaucoma disease it is likely that you will also suffer from the same disease. as well as heredity.
  • Eye injuries and Rabun, for you've dioprasi eyes, or have ever suffered from eye tumors, Sore Eyes pokoonya all things that cause your eyes cideramaka you at risk for developing glaucoma as well.
  • The use of corticosteroids, use of drugs that contain excessive Corticosteroids can be at risk for glaucoma, especially too often mrnggunakan drops containing corticosteroids.

How to Diagnose Disease Glaucoma with True

Eye doctors usually do a simple thing like "blowing eyes" to see pressure on your eye. Doctors also use a tool that is tonometer to see how much pressure on your eyes. it is also a doctor examine your eyes for corneal thickness corneal thickness may affect the eye pressure.

How to Reduce Conventional Pressure On Currency

Usually the solution treatment of eye disease Oprasi Glakoma is through the eyes, use eye drops or medications medicine from the doctor who made the chemical Namu eye drops and other medications actually provide a myriad of problems that arise after being used too often for example:
  • Being Blurred vision
  • Respiratory Problems occur
  • Forgetfulness
  • Lowers Heart Rate
  • Eyes burned and stung
  • Even worse of it all is the result of which could lead to eye oprasi Cataracts

Natural Ways to Lower or Glaucoma Eye Pressure

Very surprisingly, when a healthy lifestyle will lower blood pressure. By decreasing the pressure of the virgin on the body pressure on the eyes, too, declined. so Glaukomapun can be overcome and avoided without also write a high risk. Here are some healthy tips to reduce pressure in the eye, among others:

1. Eating Animal Fat Omega 3 Supplements
Omega 3 contains DHA yaang can help personalize and protect your retina function points. It also can prevent macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness. Omega 3 is found in fish, either fresh sea fish, lake or pool.

2. Got lots of Lutein and Zeaxanthin
This term certainly very strange is not it ?. Actually Lutein is a carotenoid found in vegetables hijjau. that is capable of being antioxidants and protect the eyes from free radicals. Examples of foods containing lutein include spinach, broccoli, etc. Same thing with Lutein, Zeaxanthin also helps protect mata.contoh foods containing Zeaxathin is egg yolk. But try eating half-cooked egg yolk in order zar Karotenoidnya not damaged when fried.

3. Reduce Fat
High-fat diet also contribute greatly to macular degeneration. so as to reduce pressure in the eye.

4. Eating Fruit Dark Colored
Eat fruit or berry blue chanbery. perhaps this fruit is rather rare that region of Indonesia. but the dark-colored fruit that could reverse macular degeneration. they are able to strengthen the capillaries that carry nutrients keoto the eye and the optic nerve.

5. Menurunkan Kadar Insulin
People who have high levels of insulin can cause blood pressure to rise. Studies have shown that insulin resistance often occurs in people with diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Expand was eating bread, rice, potatoes, pasta to lower insulin levels in your body.

6. Sports
Well if the terms of this one is not in doubt. he is able to form the natural antidote for any disease. do aerobics and other sports on a regular basis because it can meurunkan insulin levels. so the eyes become healthy and reduce the risk of eye pressure or glaucoma.
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