Having a secret White Shown Seamless Fast and Natural Beauty How to order White, Smooth and Fast

Having a secret White Shown Seamless Fast and Natural Beauty

How to order White, Smooth and Fast

White skin natural without makeup, is one of the most desired by women. The reason, he wants to look beautiful especially in the eyes of the opposite sex, maybe you too. I've asked the same question to five of my male friends, "like what is the criteria for beautiful women do you think?" 3 of the five replied that: "a beautiful woman was one of them are women who possess a natural smooth white skin, not white as polished or powder."

Well, this may also be one reason why many women are willing to do everything to make their skin look natural white. In fact, they often are not willing to pay a little bit just to buy skin whitening products that actually is not necessarily suited to their skin type.

To whiten the skin, you actually do not need to be expensive. You can do it yourself at home skin care. You can try skin whitening tips with natural ingredients, although the results are not instant plus a rather complicated way, but how to whiten skin naturally This can save costs plus a safe thing to do. How to? let's consider the natural skin care tips below.

Cara Agar Kulit Putih, Mulus dan Kencang dan Terlihat Cantik Alami
Skin care

A. Good habits can whiten the skin naturally

Here are some things that if done regularly can be beneficial to your skin.

1. Keeping the skin kebersihkan
The first step is very important to do. because one the cause of dullness is because there are dirt and bacteria on the skin. In addition to the routine cleaning of the skin, can prevent other skin diseases such as acne and so on. Clean your skin at least 3 times a day. You can also clean the skin in the morning every time I wake up, noon, afternoon and night before you sleep. Oh yes, make sure you also bathe regularly.

2. Routine Drinking Water
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, because it can make your body healthy. Besides being able to nourish the body, consume plenty of water can also make your skin always fresh and not dry. The skin of people who rarely drink water with which will not be different. The skin of people who regularly drink water is usually going to look more moist and fresh.

3. Routine Sports
Try regular jogging exercise at least once per week. Or you can also do moderate exercise for your body to sweat that cause disease. By exercising your skin will look firmer and can inhibit the premature skin pengkriputan.

4. Perform ablution
For those of you who believe in Islam, you certainly know what it is ablution, yap right, is their bodily ablution before prayer we want to implement. People who diligently perform prayers five times a day, certainly his skin will look more radiant. Why because each will perform the prayer, he will cleanse the skin 5 times a day, until the skin hygiene will be maintained and protected from other skin problems.

5. Keep Smile
Yep exactly once, the skin of people who often smiled happily will look healthier than the skin of people who daily preoccupation with sullen because of too much thinking about problems. So, subtract multiply sullen smile, just do yourself smiling for no reason hihihhi.

6. Avoid Smoke
If you are a smoker, to get a smooth white skin you should start to reduce and even stop smoking, because cigarette smoke also can disturb the skin's health. Keep your skin to avoid cigarette smoke.

By doing good habits above, not only white skin that you will get, but also, you will get a more toned skin and avoid premature pengkriputan.

B. How to get white skin with natural ingredients

In addition to doing some habits that have been mentioned above, you can also make your own skin care at home. You can try recipe white skin using natural ingredients that have been passed down from generation to generation of our ancestors. In addition to safety, do skin care with natural ingredients can also save costs, so even though it might do a bit complicated. But mending little bit complicated than the simple but risky, not bener sis? hehe. OK just, here are some natural ingredients that can be used to whiten the skin.

1. Egg whites
Inside the egg puith terdpat two substances that can be useful to moisturize and whiten the skin, these substances are lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these substances can protect your skin from the rays ultaviolet so the skin will look healthier, moist and tender. Did you know, there are many people who use egg whites to a face mask.

2. Air Putih
Inadequate mineral your body needs to regularly drink water at least 8 glasses / day .. Besides beneficial for maintaining the health of your skin, the white water can also keep your concentration is maintained. Actually there are many other benefits of water, for more information please read the article on:

3. Fruit Avocados
This fruit, in addition to delicious it can also be used to treat the skin. It's easy tidap need other ingredients blended, live topical to our skin. Oh yes, in addition to good skin, avocado can also be used to hair care You know, the same way the only living smeared on rmbut until evenly alias jidikan hair mask. Btw, these tips I can of pickled Dr.OZ in TransTv it hehe.

4. Strawberries
Why strawberries, because strawberries have a high vitamin C content. Besides strawberries also contain collagen which can help brighten the skin. Vitamin C also took active role in skin whitening. Therefore, multiply the consumption of fruits that contain vitamin C.

5. How to Whiten Skin Other:
In addition to using all four methods above, you can use 3 ways to brighten the skin such as skin whitening by:
a. Boylotion and Carrots
b. Honey, sugar, and bananas
c. Rice and olive oil
Want to know how to whiten skin by using the three ways above? please read the article about 3 Ways to Whiten Skin Naturally.

6. Fruit Tomato
Actually I was confused, because mention of tomatoes, because some say tomato included into the category of vegetables, there is also a mention including fruits. Ah, but that was not important, the important benefit, do not ?. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which also can protect your skin from the sun. Consuming adequate amounts of tomatoes each day can stimulate collagen in your skin, so the skin remains taut.

7. Soya
Soya is included into types of nuts. Soya is rich in isoflavones that are useful in keeping the skin to remain taut. Consuming soya in sufficient quantities can make your skin more toned and healthy.

8. Apples
In apples contained a substance called quercetin and antioxidants that can help prevent problems or damage to the skin. Besides eating apples regularly can also help you avoid skin cancer. But be careful, the apple seed there is little toxicity. But still, because we do not eat the seeds hehe. Moreover toxins in apple seed is not too dangerous for humans.

9. Perform Ritual Before Sleeping Beauty
Yes ritual, but quiet ritual that is not mystical really. Want to know how to do a beautiful ritual before bedtime? please read the article Dapa more info ->4 Before Sleeping Beauty Rituals.

By doing good habits on a regular basis, not only white skin that you will get, but also, you will get a more toned skin and avoid premature pengkriputan.

That some tips have white skin and naturally kecangan , If the companions have more tips, please share in the comments column yes, inshaalloh beneficial to anyone who reads. Thank you
Having a secret White Shown Seamless Fast and Natural Beauty How to order White, Smooth and Fast Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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