How to Shrink Pores Face Natural and Easy

How to Shrink Pores Face Natural and Easy

Large pores in the face of often make us feel disturbed, besides not unsightly, it turns out pores can also be cause skin problems such as the cause of acne and so on. Some studies suggest that the pores are larger, more at risk for acne. That is the reason why I am writing this article, which is to share info about how to shrink pores were enlarged , But before that, we will find out what the hell that causes the pores on the face swell? refer to the following explanation:

Table of contents :
  • Causes of pores on the face dilate
  • Tips to shrink the pores on the face
  • How to shrink the pores in the face with natural ingredients
  • Skin care to prevent large pores

causes enlarged pores

Cara Mengecilkan Pori-pori Wajah Secara Alami dengan bahan alami
Large pores on the face

Sometimes we get annoyed with the problem of the pores are enlarged, so that we can overcome these problems, it would be nice if you know what are the things that can cause the pores in the face enlarged. Here is a factor causes enlarged pores :

1. Genetic Factors
You have pores large? maybe it's because of genetics, let you see your family, if there are any members of your family that have pores large? if yes, then most likely cause of the pores in your face because of genetics or heredity.

2. Excess Oil Production
Naturally the body does produce oil, and one of the functions of the oil is to protect the skin from skin problems are not dry and protected from dirt. However, if the levels of excess oil on the skin, it can also be bad for the skin, one of which can be a trigger for the enlargement of the pores of the skin, including skin pores on the face.

3. Dirt
To cause this one, besides caused by impurities such as dust and pollution, can also be caused by residual riasa make-up you use yourself. The use of cosmetics / beauty products can make you look more beautiful. But you know, the use of cosmetics can also cause skin damage if you forget to clean it, let alone brought up all night so that your skin can not breathe, due to blockage of the pores of your skin.

4. Growth of Bacteria On Skin
One of the causes enlarged pores are due to the growth of bacteria on your face. One sign is the appearance of blackheads or black spots on the face you. So that the pores in your skin dilate.

5. Sunlight
For the health benefits of sunlight is plentiful, but the sun can also have a bad effect on your skin. Why? because exposure to sunlight can make the cells on the surface of your skin becomes thick and gives the impression of your pores look larger.

6. Less Clever Keeping Clean Skin
Basically, humans are born with a smooth skin without acne or large pores. However, all the problems of the skin, including large pores arise because we are not good at maintaining the cleanliness of the skin, so that skin health becomes impaired. Indeed seem trivial but in the worst case, less good at cleaning the skin can cause skin cancer.

How to Overcome Large Pores In Skin?

Once we know what the cause of enlarged pores on the face, you probably already know what you should do. However, as a supplement, here I will also share tips for shrink large pores Facial naturally using traditional ways of course.

1. Cleaning Face
It had been mentioned that one of the causes pores on face is enlarged due to the lack of facial hygiene maintained. So, to solve it, we must be very clever to clean the face, especially if you have been active throughout the day. Clean your skin from dust and pollution also from the remnants of beauty tools.

2. Eksfoliasi
What's exfoliation? Exfoliate is raised or clean the dead skin so that your skin looks healthier. How to? You can use products that contain salicylic acid by using a scrub to remove and clean the dead skin cells, bacteria and excess oil from your face.

3. Protect Skin from the Sun
One of the causes of skin pores are enlarged due to exposure to sunlight. So to prevent this, you should use such a physical protective cap, payun and skin protection when you are away from home.

4. Cleaning Oil
Excess oil production can also make the skin pores enlarged and therefore, we are also obliged to maintain and clean the excess oil from the skin. You can do this by using paper or tissue. Because the two materials are able to absorb the oil.

How to Shrink Pores in Skin with Natural Ingredients

Did you know, there are many natural ingredients that can be used to shrink the pores on the face, such as tomatoes, ice cubes, and many others. Want to know how? please be listened to immediately wrote the following explanation:

1. Shrink Large Pores on the Face with Tomato Makser
Tomatoes can be used to shrink the pores on the face, the way is to make it as a mask.

#Cara Make masks of tomatoes:
  • Provide 1-2 tomatoes
  • Rinse tomatoes with water until clean
  • Shopping tomatoes with a knife
  • Fruit seeds tmat tersbut
  • Puree the tomatoes in a blender
#Cara Wear masks tomatoes:
  • Clean your face first with water
  • olehkan mask earlier tomatoes on your face up evenly
  • Let - + 20-30 minutes
  • Wash with warm water
  • Do this regularly, and in order to obtain a more optimal result, you can do this way three times a week.

2. How to shrink pores with Ice Cube
Who would have thought, it turns out the ice cubes can also be used to shrink the pores of the skin. Ice cubes can tighten skin pores and control the production of sebum (oil glands) in the skin. You do this simply by rubbing gosokannya on the skin of large pores, following more ways.

#Cara Put on ice to shrink pores:
  • Provide 1 packet Ice Cube
  • Wrap with cotton cloth
  • Rubbing on the skin surface gently and evenly to the face
  • Perform this step every morning after you wake up

3. How to Shrink Pores Face Mask with Cucumber Juice
Cucumber, yes crops included in these vegetables have many health benefits, one of them for skin health. Besides being able to remove bags under the eyes (eye panda), cucumber is also effective to mengcilkan pores, use the following ways:

#Cara Make cucumber mask:

  • Provide 1-2 cucumber / taste
  • Clean with water
  • Cucumber puree in a blender or with a grated
#Cara Using cucumber mask:
  • Clean your face with water first
  • apply a cucumber mask on the skin, until evenly
  • leave for approximately 20-30 minutes
  • rinse and wash your face with warm water
  • Do this with a routine to get maximum results

4. Decrease the pores of the face with Honey
The next natural materials that we can use to shrink the pores is honey. Here's how to make a mask of honey and how to use them:

#Cara Make a mask of honey:
  • Provide honey to taste
  • provide 1 lemon
  • Wash the lemon fruit with water to clean
  • Shopping lemons, then squeeze the juice
  • Mix 3-5 scoops with lemon juice before
  • mix well
#Cara Use honey mask:
  • As usual, the clearance face you in advance
  • apply a honey mask, on the surface of your skin until evenly
  • Massage your skin gently and slowly
  • let stand for 5-10 minutes
  • Finally, wash your face with warm water
  • Perform this step routine for maximum results.

5. Decrease the pores of the face with oatmeal
What was oatmeal? oatmeal is a type of wheat that contain high fiber. oatmeal has many health benefits. It also can be used as a mask to treat the skin. How, consider the following steps:

#Cara Make and wear makser of oatmeal:
  • Provide materials (2 tablespoons of oat meal, 5 tablespoons honey and 2 tablespoons of whole milk powder)
  • Combine all three until evenly
  • Apply it on your skin until it is completely flat
  • do a light massage with circular movements
  • let stand for 7-15 minutes
  • Then wash with warm water
  • For maximum results, you should do this with a routine manner.

6. Shrink Pores in the face with a mask bananas
Previously I also discuss tips about 17 health benefits of bananas for health. Bananas can also be used to make masks that are beneficial to shrink the pores.

#Cara Create and use a mask of bananas:
  • Take 1 ripe banana and 1 tablespoon whole milk powder
  • peeled bananas and grab it
  • Banana puree with blender
  • Mix with 1 tablespoon milk powder until blended
  • Then apply on your skin until completely uniform
  • Let stand for 10 -20 minutes
  • Then wash your face with warm water
  • For maximum results, do it regularly.

7. Perform 4 Before Sleeping Beauty Rituals
For those of you loyal visitors inkesehatan blogspot blog, you probably already know how to do a beautiful ritual before bedtime. But for those of you who do not know, please see How can how to do a beautiful ritual before bedtime in the article " Want Younger? 4 Perform Ritual Before Sleeping Beauty".

Skin Care To Prevent Pores Face distention

By doing tips pores on the face already mentioned above regularly, the pores of your skin will shrink slowly (slowly but surely). Accordingly But even if you do not like it, because the problem of large pores can happen again at any time. Therefore, you also need to perform maintenance to avoid such problems. How to? the following explanation:

1. Keeping Skin
Keeping the skin clean is important, especially after you finish using make-up. Purify remnants cosmetic / makeup before you sleep. More you can read in the article "4 Ritual Before Sleeping Beauty".

2. Using Moisture Cream
Use a moisturizer every claim you travel out-home, so that you klit protected from sun exposure can damage your skin.

3. Tips on choosing a moisturizing cream products
Choose a skin moisturizing cream containing salicylic acid. However, the use of moisturizing products containing salicylic acid can cause irritation to some specific skin types.

That some how to shrink pores naturally and easy to dilaukan course. Companion had a powerful tips to shrink pores other face? Please share in the comments field, so that other readers know. Remember, you know, had it not dipendem information, but shared so that more useful, tidal betuk? Hopefully this article can provide benefits, especially for writers and generally for your readers.
How to Shrink Pores Face Natural and Easy Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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