How to Overcome Sleepy at Work and Learning

How to Overcome Sleepy at Work and Learning

How to Overcome Sleepy at Work or Study - Work is piling up let alone to be brought home usually will confiscate your sleep time and requires you to stay up. As a result you often feel fatigue and excessive sleepiness will feel when you work / study in the next morning. So how do I fix this? curious tips expelled drowsiness at work? let's go read!

Cara Mengatasi Rasa Ngantuk Saat Bekerja dan Belajar
How to Overcome Sleepy at Work and Learning

Powerful Ways Banish Sleepy While Working

For friends who often feel sleepy whether it's at work or study, this time I will share interesting tips to cope with excessive sleepiness. But before that, let's find out first the things that could be the cause ngangtuk!

Cause Sleepy?

before our language tips to eliminate sleepiness, now we will find out in advance, about the things that could be the cause why you can sleepy.
  1. Less Sports
    If you are easily sleepy, probably because you are not exercising. According to dr. Michael Triangto SpKO, sports medicine specialist of Slim + Health Sport Therapy, drowsiness or bodies such as lack of energy can be caused by lack of exercise. "Proper exercise intensity is committed to achieving training zone (training zone) that person, and performed regularly. If not optimal, it may be the body will remain sluggish. Or on the contrary, he more easily sleepy because the body is too tired from excessive exercise, "said dr. Michael. Therefore, diligent exercise routine!

  2. Symptoms of Anemia
    Easy sleepy, it can also be caused by the symptoms of anemia (lack of red blood cells). Because of anemia, the supply of oxygen throughout the body by red blood cells disrupted. In fact, oxygen is one of the essential elements to produce energy. To find out, you should perform a blood test. If the result is okay, it could be you sleepy because lack of sleep or poor quality of your sleep

  3. Symptoms of prediabetes
    According to dr. Dante Saksono Herbuwono, SpPD Endocrine Metabolic Endocrine Division RSCM, could be one of the symptoms of prediabetes. After eating, the body undergoes hyperinsulinemia (insulin excesses), so that the blood sugar levels drop dramatically. Therefore, observe the symptoms of prediabetes, as easy thirst and frequent urge to urinate. If left unchecked, could be a prediabetes to diabetes. However, to be sure, live first blood test to the doctor.

How to Banish Sense Sleepiness While Working

Once we know what things could be different causes drowsiness, it is time I share tips on how to repel drowsiness so you can awake hehe. Ok without further ado, please consider some surefire tips to overcome sleepiness following:
  1. The roads to the outside
    Working in the room with lights, computer monitors, and the air conditioner (AC) can make you quickly feel sleepy. For that, you can take a walk outside and see new scenery outdoors. It will make your body more refreshed.
  2. Light exercise
    Most people especially employees often underestimate the importance of sport for various reasons such as too busy with work and so forth. So they prefer not to do a sport that is clearly very important. While you're within the office, in fact you can still do a little exercise to make the heart beat faster. So that would provide more oxygen to your body and your body. You can do light exercise such as jumping jacks, jumping rope, or a little yoga. You can also jog in your office ladder. Do it until you sweat so you are not sleepy anymore

  3. If the brain / Forced your brain works
    If you always feel sleepy while working quickly, maybe it happens because your brain in a state that is too relaxed. Crossword puzzles filling (TTS) or play Sudoku might be the right choice for your brain to process. In addition, you can also racing to work with other employees. So that your brain will be forced to work and make your body become more vibrant
  4. Cool your head
    Besides the three tips above you also can drink cold water (ES) is added lemon sugar without taking the slightest. Try deh imagine, already cold, sour again, if you drink it I am sure you will not sleepy anymore. Then you can also splashed some water into your face. Alternatively, try to put the pieces of ice on the wrist, forehead or your dipundak.
  5. Ngemil Saat Kerja? Why not?
    You can also keep your body kondiri avoid drowsiness with snacking. But remember to avoid heavy meals or snacks that tastes too sweet. In addition to fruits, eating spicy salad can also make you literate or can also eat fruit that tastes super sour.

  6. Pompa adrenalin
    Still sleepy, too? maybe you can try the next tips. watch some action or horror movie trailer, in a few minutes, I'm sure you're not sleepy anymore.

  7. Try to Change the position of your body
    If you are still sleepy as well, perhaps sitting position you are quite right. Because of the way that one sitting can also be the cause of drowsiness. You bisamencba sit in an upright position, crossing legs, or try to stand briefly and then sat down again. In addition, you can walk to the restroom while possible to just wash my face.

  8. Use Fragrance
    You could also try the following manner. Always carry perfume, if you are sleepy you can menglekan perfume on your wrist or in your nose UNDER Avoid scented lavender, because you'll be more sleepy made. Simple right?

  9. Dance
    If ngantuknya not want ilang well, you can do this silly thing. Wear headphones, listen to your favorite songs and dance as much for 10 minutes. Some people would laugh at you, but a shame that it will help your eyes awake again. Hayo not dare try?

  10. Joke
    Bercandalah with other employees for 5 minutes. Laughter can help your body move and eliminate sleepiness. If you can not kidding, go to the site to watch youtube video funny and laugh and you will not sleepy anymore!

  11. Online shopping
    For those of you who like automotive, maybe you could look around the latest automotive products or Think about buying a gift for someone you love. Looking for a gift through online shopping sites will help refresh your eyes and not sleepy anymore. good luck!

  12. Telephone mother
    Terakhit way that you can possibly do yaitumelakukan conversation with your mother, because it will keep you awake. Perhaps because of the emotional bond between you and your mother. Moreover, it is appropriate for you to frequently contact parents. You can tell the unique things at the office on your mother.

Those are some tips on howHow to Overcome Sleepy at Work and Learning that might be a solution for those of you who always sleepy while working or studying. Hopefully these tips can be useful. Thank you

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How to Overcome Sleepy at Work and Learning Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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