7 Cause of Vertigo You Need to Know

7 Cause of Vertigo You Need to Know

6 Causes of Vertigo- In previous articles I've shared info regarding how to cope with vertigo , Well this time I will discuss what are the things that may trigger vertigo. Before we talked at length, let's find out first about what vertigo!

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a disease caused by a disturbance of balance in the inner ear, causing the patient to feel dizzy and state or space around him becomes seemed to 'spin' or float. Even in some cases can also cause vertigo our view becomes dark.

7 Penyebab Vertigo dan bagaimana cara mengobatinya

Symptoms of Vertigo

People affected by vertigo will feel that the state or the space he occupied (around) as it rotates. Then there are other symptoms that when he sat down and stood up so he would feel dizzy extremely accompanied eyesight became dark, and even vertigo can also cause nausea and vomiting.

What Causes Vertigo?

There are several things that can cause vertigo, are as follows:

1. Disorders of the inner ear
Vertigo This type occurs when a person changes pposisi head suddenly, such as when standing or getting up quickly dengantempo. This happens because of a disturbance in the inner ear which is also known asBenign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo , Vertigo this type will usually recover within just a few minutes.

2. Difficulty seeing
When you are spending long hours in front of the computer, usually your eyes will experience such disturbances become myopic. As a result you will experience difficulties when they want to see objects that exist around us. Well, the eye disorder also can be different causes of vertigo.

3. diseases of the central nervous system
Vertigo can also be caused by damage to the central nervous section that serves as a regulator of body balance. then the central nervous system can be impaired by the presence of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, tumors, neck damage, or stroke can cause vertigo.

4. Inflammation or infection
Vertigo can also be caused by a disease caused by infection with one of which is the flu. Flu can cause disturbances in the inner ear.

5. Meniere's disease
Meniere's disease will cause a portion of the inner ear can be flooded with liquid that affects balance. Dizziness can last for half an hour or more. So, always keep your ear health.

6. Migraine Attacks
Migraine or headache is one type of headache but often also affect vision. Vertigo caused by a migraine attack can last several minutes to several days. To prevent this, try to drink plenty of water and try not too tired at work. Other than that not too much mind.

7. Ear Water Entry
One of the other causes of vertigo is because your ears take in water, either in the bath or exposed to rain water and swim teteasan.

Well, that several factors menyebabkan vertigo , By knowing some causes of vertigoalready described above, you can do prevention early stage before you experience it.
7 Cause of Vertigo You Need to Know Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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