Hiccups in Infants, it dangerous? How to handle it?

Hiccups in Infants, it dangerous? How to handle it?

Hiccups in Infants

For a mother, especially for the first time to have a baby, you might feel worried when I saw your baby hiccup , Actually what the hiccup? What was the cause? danger or not for the baby? to know the answer, please read this article until the end. Because in this article I will explain about hiccups in babies.

What Causes Hiccups in Infants?

Cara Menghilangkan Cegukan Pada Bayi
Tips to Overcome Hiccups in Infants

Disorders that this one also often make anxious mothers. In fact, "Hiccups in infants is not a sign of certain diseases," said Dr. Advani Najib, Sp.A, MMed. Paed. of Part Pediatrics Faculty of medicine Cipto Mangunkusumo. According to Dr. Najib, hiccups in infants can occur because of the contraction of the diaphragm that separates the chest cavity and abdominal cavity (diaphragm).

Hiccups in babies is not something dangerous, unlike the case with hiccups in adults, because it could be a symptom of a disease.

Usually hiccups in infants will go away by itself and is not harmful to the baby. If your baby has hiccups, we can give him a warm water. Different if the baby is quite large, give sugar without as much as a teaspoon melted. However, if the hiccups in babies is still continuing in the stage that is not normal, immediately take it to the doctor, anjur Dr. Najib. Although not dangerous, if hiccups in babies prolonged, can interfere with the baby itself, for example a baby so fussy to not want to eat the danger can cause the baby pain. For that bring them to the doctor, to find out what's the solution. Usually the doctor will give you medication to reduce contraction, so that can stop hiccups.

How to Eliminate Hiccups in Infants?

as already mentioned above, the mother does not need to panic when your baby has hiccups, due to hiccups in babies is not a dangerous thing. Mother can do the following things for treating hiccups in babies :

1. If the hiccups baby while breastfeeding
if the baby had the hiccups while feeding, you can change the feeding position. Then continue to breastfeed until the hiccups totally disappear.

2. Pay attention to your baby
Try to see your baby, if the baby is feeding it in a state of quiet or too excited, until finally the air going into the diaphragm.

3. Note the position of breastfeeding 
Baby hiccups can occur because of the lack of proper nursing position / less comfortable for the baby. Correct feeding position is the nipple and areola into the baby's mouth, the baby is in a straight line with the baby's arms, as well as the baby's tummy facing the mother's abdomen.

4. Back Baby
Your baby is still not stop the hiccups? Rest your baby upright facing you with his head on your shoulder and pat his back gently, like when you menyendawakannya. This action could push the air upwards and stop the hiccups. Repeat until hiccups really stopped after that, feed him back.

5. Check the bottle type Dot
Does your baby drink from a bottle teat? When the baby drinks from a bottle, note whether the bottle has a hole on the regulator and baby pacifiers. Choose a bottle with a nipple hole that is smaller so the baby can set the rhythm to suck the milk so it does not hiccups.

6. Provide supplementary food ation slowly
If your baby has received complementary foods , Give food in a number of piecemeal and slowly. so as not faltered.

Now that's a bit of information about hiccups in babies which hopefully can provide insight and benefit to us all, especially for new mothers who have a baby the first time in dealing with the nautical, as babies often hiccup.

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Hiccups in Infants, it dangerous? How to handle it? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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