11 How to Eliminate BREATH Natural and Traditional

How to Eliminate Mouth Odor Naturally - Bad breath is a condition where your mouth emit a pungent odor. As a result, those who are near you will feel uncomfortable and annoyed by the smell coming out of your mlut, for example, when you talk to them. So of course it will make you feel confident. Before we discuss how to prevent and eliminate bad breath, Let us consider some cause of bad breath the following:

11 Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut Secara Alami Cepat dan Tradisional

A. Causes Mouth Odor

Did you know, bad breath can be caused by several things, including the following:

1. Less Keeping Kebersihkan Mouth
Yep, one of the causes bad breath is the pattern of your life that are less healthy as lazy brush your teeth regularly, such as not brushing your teeth in the morning, every after every meal and at night, as a result of oral hygiene you are not awake, many leftovers that stick to the teeth and mouth to get carried away bed and rot your mouth. So that when you wake up in the morning, you will mengelurkan mouth odor.

2. Takes Jengkol and Speciosa (Food and odor)
Then the next cause of bad breath is caused by foods that malodorous like jengkol, banana etc. Maybe for some people jengkol and banana are foods that must be avoided, but for sebagain people too, makana are very tasty food although it can make breath to stink.

3. Smoking
Everyone must know this one thing, ranging from small children to adults. So far, we know that cigarettes can cause malignant diseases such as cancer, disorders of pregnancy, and so forth. But it turns out smoking is also one of the causes of bad breath, so, if you want to be healthy and avoid bad breath, reduce even stop smoking right now.

4. Sprue
I am sure you must have felt the pain of your mouth when exposed to canker sores. Usually we will see the bumps with pus in our mouths. The bumps are caused by an infection in your mouth and it is also one of the causes of bad breath.

5. Forget Breakfast
Forgot your morning breakfast turned out to be one of the causes of bad breath. At our mouth is no such thing as the bacteria that cause bad breath. The bacteria can be killed by saliva produced by our own mouths. By the time we forget the breakfast, we automatically empty stomach, and it led to the production of saliva stretcher us to be reduced, as a result of our mouths become smelly, because the bacteria that cause bad breath was, wandering around our mouth.

6. There are perforated teeth
Bad breath can also be caused by the presence of one of your teeth are hollow. So, therefore, from now on be diligent cleaning of your mouth either by brushing your teeth, so that your dental health is maintained.

B. How is How to Eliminate BREATH?

Well, I'd already explained several things that can cause bad breath. Now I will share a surefire tips for prevent and cope with mildew odors quickly and naturally , Here are some effective tips to get rid of bad breath:

1. Maintaining Oral Hygiene
Maintaining Oral Hygiene
I'd already explained several things that can cause your mouth to stink, and almost all of them related to oral hygiene. So, so that we avoid bad breath, but you should be diligent in cleaning your mouth, as diligently brushing teeth 2x a day (waking up in the morning and before bed at night), if necessary, you can brush my teeth every time after you eat.

2. Eat Less Food malodorous
Eat Less Food malodorous
If previously you love the smell pungent foods like jengkol and banana, maybe from now on you should start to reduce it. Moreover, if you will come to an event such as meetings, parties and so on.

3. Stop Smoking Now!
Stop Smoking Now!
As I mentioned above, that one of the different causes of bad breath are smoking, so if you want to avoid bad breath, from now on stop smoking, change your cigarette with another, for example Perment rubber, cokat or the other. Thus, in addition to avoid bad breath, you also will avoid other malignant diseases caused by smoking.

4. Consumption of Fruits
Consumption of Fruits
If the odor in your mouth caused by mouth ulcers, then the appropriate step we can do is the emphasis on eating fruits. As we know, one of the causes of thrush is due to lack of vitamin C, and vitamin C can we get from fruits.

5. Do not Forget Breakfast
5. Do not Forget Breakfast
Besides being able menjegah colds, breakfast can also prevent bad breath, because the breakfast, the bacteria that cause bad breath that is the mouth we would die because the production of saliva in the mouth increases.

6. Keep Healthy Teeth
6. Keep Healthy Teeth
If the odor in your mouth caused by tooth perforated, you can visit a dentist, you can easily put the tooth cavities or even revoke it.

7. Eat Rice
 Eat Rice
People used to believe that bad breath can be eliminated by eating raw rice (not rice). Eating the first, if done eating jengkol or banana, usually directly eat rice.

8. Coffee Black
Coffee Black
Freshly ground black coffee, can be trusted to cope with bad breath. Way, take a fist freshly ground black coffee, and then eat. Although bitter, but potent black coffee to drive away bad breath.

9. Rinsing
When your mouth emit a pungent odor, you can gargle. You can gargle with boiled water betel leaf, moutwash (antiseptic), or it could be with warm water that has been mixed with salt.

10. Chewing Gum
10. Chewing Gum
Lho kok Perment chewing gum? Weve what to do bro? so you know, is not it had been explained, in our mouths is no such thing as the bacteria that cause bad breath will die by saliva produced by mouth. So the goal Perment chewing gum is to stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. Ideology? hehe

11. Sweetened Condensed Milk
11. Sweetened Condensed Milk
Hmm, who does not know the milk, in addition to delicious milk also be source of calcium , It turns out in addition to high calcium milk is also effective to cope with bad breath. The trick TDI combine sweetened condensed milk with one cup of warm water, then drink.

Well, this is how the last and most effective way (maybe), if after performing the above methods of bad breath you did not go away, immediately contact a specialist, you could ask more about bad breath doctor, including asking the solution to bad breath that you suffer.

Well, that's about the article that covers the causes of bad breath and how to eliminate bad breath. Hopefully the information aboutHow to Eliminate BREATH Natural and Traditional This can provide benefits to those who read, thank you.

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11 How to Eliminate BREATH Natural and Traditional Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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