Without a Cause Stomach Buncit the Sadar conducted Many People

Without a Cause Stomach Buncit the Sadar conducted Many People

Distended stomach is something that should be avoided by both men and women. Many of the problems that caused a distended stomach due to them is causing some mild disease or other harmful, disruptive appearance which lowers confidence, even in some of the company's requirements are not allowed its employees to have a distended abdomen.Distended abdomen in the causes accumulation of excess fat around the abdominal area , Excessive fat accumulation that are not controlled will add excessive weight gain and even obesity.

Without a Cause Stomach Buncit the Sadar conducted Many People

In this era of almost instant modern and very hard to avoid a distended stomach due to the many foods that contain fat and is supported by the lack of activity of the body that supports the development of stomach getting bigger. Many people have a distended abdomen precisely because they do not know any further cause bloated stomach. There are many factors that cause bloated stomach among others are:

A. Lifestyle Unhealthy

The pattern of life that one will be triggered growing potbelly also a source of other diseases. There are several lifestyle causes distended abdomen namely:

1. Lack of exercise
In addition to causing disease, lack of exercise also accelerate the process of fat accumulation in the abdomen and cause obesity which trigger a heart attack.

2. Eating before bedtime
Eating habits before bed will slow down your metabolism. During sleep the body automatically does not indulge so that the digestive process is not optimal and buildup that menyebkan distended abdomen.

3Terlalu prolonged sitting
Many people who experience a distended stomach caused by the activity sits long and continuous. Sitting too long will accumulate fat in the abdominal area.

That lifestyle is often done unconsciously because of the rush that will cause a distended abdomen. So, if you want to avoid the belly fat, start now live the healthy lifestyle. In addition due to the pattern of the tidk hitup healthy, distended abdomen can also be caused by eating and drinking unhealthy.

B. Eating and Drinking Unhealthy

Unhealthy diet and lack of regular cause bloated stomach , Unnoticed because most people are more concerned about the taste of food that is consumed rather than the effects and consequences will be experienced.

1. The habit of consuming alcohol
the habit of consuming alcohol will cause fat to accumulate because alcohol contains calories and excess sugar. Besides alcohol can also trigger other deadly diseases, so from now cut back even stop taking alhokol order your life healthier.

2. Eat most
Eating most will force the process of digestion in the body, so that the digestive process is not optimal. Especially foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates were more easily in konvensikan so fat triggers the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

3. Consuming fatty foods
Fatty foods most easily be found. Especially with the advent of fast food contain lots of calories and fat. Food fried it tastes good and tempt the appetite so the food is preferred by many people. Whereas the calories and fat contained in food is beyond measure that the body needs.

4. Snacking at night
at night our bodies a little activity so that the process is not perfect pencernaanpun. So if we eat / nibble at night, the food will accumulate in our stomach and of course will cause BĂ©rut become distended.

5. Consuming food and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.
Artificial sweeteners are not fully digested by tubuh.bakteri in the colon ferment them into gas tends to cause flatulence.

6. Eating food containing gas
Foods containing gas causing flatulence and bloated stomach. Examples of foods / drinks containing gas, namely soft drinks, sweet potatoes, beans and so on. So remember, reduce the consumption of foods containing gas.

Those are some factors Causes Stomach Buncit be avoided that we look slimmer and certainly more healthy. The number of bad habits that we often do without us knowing it may be the main cause bloated stomach. hopefully Informa menjad you can reference in order to avoid a distended abdomen.

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Without a Cause Stomach Buncit the Sadar conducted Many People Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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