3 Success Tips To Successfully Running Diet OCD

3 Success Tips To Successfully Running Diet OCD

Running Tips For OCD Diet behasil - Diet OCD is a diet that is undertaken by way of fasting. Banya people who complain, because they are afraid of their ulcer disease relapse. There was also one of the inner companions who have difficulty doing this because OCD diet has been used to drink coffee in the morning and much more. So how do I fix this? Let us consider the following tips

1. Tips for your diet OCD who have ulcer disease

As I described in my articleCauses and symptoms of ulcer disease , That the ulcer is caused by several things, essentially due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as irregular sleep, irregular eating patterns and so on. To overcome this course you should not be doing things that can trigger the ulcer. In addition you can also doTips overcome heartburn when fasting.

2. Avoid overeating / Greedy

In Ebook mas written Deddy said that in carrying out this OCD diet we should eat anything as long as not overdone / greedy because the result will not be perfect. But eat naturally. Inner buddy must know, if everything was not excessive either. Even Rosululloh SAW also said that the eating / drinking excessively is not good and can damage the body. In connection with that described in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad., The following:

We are people who do not eat until hunger and ate if not satisfying
Meaning: "You are a people who do not eat until hungry and when not to eat until you are full."
Eating too much of its IT IS, when excessive and extravagant, because eating and drinking to excess can cause abdominal pain, make people lazy, and can damage the body.

As explained in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad., The following:

Beware of Batnh in food and drink, it corrupts the body and inherited dieback for prayer

And intent upon you, it is best for the body and the exchange of Abaad

That is; "Do not ever eat and drink too full because it could actually damage the body and can lead to lazy to pray, and simplify you in either case, because actually it is better for the body, and keep away from nature israf (excessive) . "(HRBukhari)

3. Exercising regularly

Well, probably not read ebook either OCD or what, some say to lose weight exercise is better than having to torture yourself with OCD. Whereas in OCD Ebook diet too, we are not only fast but also encouraged to exercise, terumana for men who want to shape the abdominal muscles can do sports like, push-ups, backup, sit-ups and so on. In my opinion, this is also not torture yourself, because we do not dlarang to eat the free meal, just change your diet or move mealtimes only. But of course you have the right to choose and you pastu better know which one is better for you.

"It is necessary to know before doing diet companion OCD , It would be nice if you consult a doctor first, to ensure that you are allowed / absence of this diet. Due to the condition of a person's body is different. "

It is 3 tips sukses Menjalan diet OCD , Hopefully can be useful for those of you who are also running. For those of you who are not sure to run this OCD diet, I will give other tips that might be a solution for those of you who have problems with weight. Surely in the next post. Therefore, remember do upa to keep visiting this blog okay ...;)

Are these tips are quite helpful? Or you have any other tips? please provide your comments ...!
3 Success Tips To Successfully Running Diet OCD Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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