How to Whiten Skin with Creating or scrubs Scrub Natural

How to Whiten Skin with Creating or scrubs Scrub Natural

How to Whiten Skin with Natural Scrub Makes - For women do Scrub least once a week has become something to be done. By using scrub the skin can be more cleanly without leaving any dirt in addition skin becomes healthy. Doing scrubs can also be a means of relaxation you on the day libur.Scrub is a product that we use to make exfoliationdead skin cells on the body. So that fresh skin that is under dead skin to emerge glowing and healthy of course. It also can accelerate skin regeneration.

Now slowly - scrub land started much dillakukan by many people, especially adults and adolescents. Scrub has become a tradition in the countries of the east for centuries - ago. DiIndonesia own scrub or better known as scrubs been made from the days of empire. Many princess did scrubs to make the skin white, smooth and youthful. Scrub very good asHow to Whiten Skin Naturally
Cara Memutihkan Kulit Secara Alami dengan Lulur atau Scrub
Creating or Scrub Scrub Natural

Benefits Scrub or luluran

  • Brighten skin
  • Skin Tightening
  • Whiten Skin
  • Make your skin younger and smoother
  • Lifting the body dull and rough skin
  • Help cell turnover - dead skin cells with new ones
  • Leaving the skin feeling smooth, soft and easy to dry

Time Nursing Scrub or luluran

  • For dry skin do scrub once a week
  • For oily skin do twice a week
  • Do it on the day of your vacation so that you can while doing relaxation

Creating or scrubs Scrub Natural

Here I would bernagi 2 Skin Whitening Tips Scrub Natural handmade by myself.

1. Scrub Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are very beneficial to the skin. but do you know orange peel is also very bermanfaaat ?. The benefits are as How to Whiten Skin, Balancing skin condition, reduce oil production in the skin and many more.

First of all the ingredients used to prepare

Manfaat biji bunga matahari untuk kulit putih
Sunflower seeds
Manfaat Oat bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Manfaat Minyak Esensial bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Essential oil
Manfaat Minyak Almond bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Minyak Almond
Manfaat Kulit Lemon bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Kulit Lemon

Manfaat Kulit Jeruk bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Orange peel
Manfaat Garam Laut bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Sea salt

  • 3 tablespoons sun flower seeds
  • 3 tablespoons Oat
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt
  • Orange peel
  • Kulit Lemon
  • Essential oil
  • Minyak Almond
The trick
  • Puree first sunflower seeds
  • Grated orange peel and lemon peel
  • Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl and cover tightly

2. Scrub Gula

Sugar is very good for kuikit. sugar can make skin smooth white shining because it can remove dead skin cells and rough skin lift. but it also can control the sugar production of oil on your skin. this How to Whiten Skin Body quickly.

Manfaat Madu bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Manfaat Gula bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Manfaat baby Lotion bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Baby Lotion

  • Coarse white sugar
  • Baby Lotion
  • Honey
The trick
Simply mix all ingredients together and save

3. Scrub Kopi

In addition to the usual coffee drink was also good for skin health. Coffee may reduce the wrinkles in your skin. Sublimate, remove dead skin cells, menghilangakn body odor, Reduce oily skin and nourish the skin to be healthier and refreshed.
Manfaat Kopi bagi Kecantikan Kulit
Manfaat Madu bagi Kecantikan Kulit

  • Prepare coffee already ground soft but slightly rough. use natural coffee and sweet-smelling if it can not use instant coffee
  • Honey
The trick
just as the latter is quite mix all the ingredients to form a paste.

How to Do the Right Scrub or body scrubs.
  1. Start from the toes and soles of the feet. do until evenly upward. Then wipe up the thigh.
  2. Rub the buttocks down to the lower back
  3. Then rub from the right hand toward the heart, then to the left arm.
  4. Kedaerah belly rub clockwise in a circle
  5. the latter rub the chest and rub the back up to the shoulder.
  6. let stand for 10 or 15 minutes.
  7. then rinse with water in accordance with the early start you rub it. do it slowly - slowly and evenly so that clean.
In addition you can also make a scrub of bengkoang papaya and many more. How easy is not it? you can do it calmly before taking a bath. After doing scrub is recommended to wear body lotion, body cream, etc. so that you get natural white skin like a princess palace.

Well that's a little Traditional Tips Whiten Skin with Natural Scrub. Try the above tips regularly. Terimaksih have read this article. May be useful for you. If you find this article useful please like and share it with friends - your friends. Still many others are tips.

How to Whiten Skin with Creating or scrubs Scrub Natural Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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