How to Overcome the Oily with Powerful and Fast

How to Overcome the Oily with Powerful and Fast

How to Overcome the Oily with Potent and Rapid - Have you ever look in the mirror and pay attention to the face you? specify most women or men often do so because this has become a habit that sulut avoided. For instance when you walk there must be kecendurang you look at the windshield. But have you ever you look closely sengan skin type do you have when you're bercermin.Ya course you sring noticed especially for oily skin without notice cerminpun sure you can feel it.

Oily Skin it is certainly very disturbing. Why? this is due if your face of excess oil production will make a lot of dirt or pollution be attached to the face you. In addition you also will be vulnerable once the face affected by acne because of accumulated oil and clog pores - pore face so timbulah acne.

Membuat Masker Wajah Alami
Overcoming Oily Skin

Definition of Oily Skin

Yangmemiliki oily skin is skin oil glands which produce excess oil away from the normal skin in general. Ciri- character is the face look shiny, makeup will not last long, easy arising acne gampangnya dirt.

By reducing the production of oil on your skin will certainly help prevent the occurrence of acne as well. Therefore for this time I will give you some tips eliminates oily skin. but before on the subject of alangakah good that we know in advance what causes greasy face.

Causes Oily Face

1. Menstrual Cycle

Oily skin can be caused by the menstrual cycle. this occurs because so many women produce hormones that when menjelag menstruation or after menstruation face will tend to produce more oil. Because kotoranpun will menemel oily and clogged pores will poripun so arising acne.

2. Stress

When you're stressed skin will be more likely to produce Minak with many. This happens because of your mental attitude will often alert and thoughtful when under stress. So that the face will produce a lot of cortisol.

3. Weather

When the weather is hot and humid in the condition of your skin will produce more oil to adjust to longkungan. With this order when you memkai without smudging makeup you should wear strong foundation and is able to absorb the oil.

4. Cosmetics

A use cosmetics that do not match your face will lead to oily face. to be careful in choosing cosmetics.

5. Other -

Such as genetic factors, change of season, medicine - drugs, beauty equipment, and tanning

Oily Face advantage

Have an oily face does not mean only cause problems banyk just for the face. For instance bermnyak face has many advantages such as being able to make your face remains moist thereby preventing tejadinya aging of the skin. Although oily bring banyk problem but if the face is too dry can also lead to wrinkles quickly. for it is thankful for those of you who have oily face. But remember excess oil is also better to be reduced.

Caring for Oily Skin

Here are some Tips on How to Take Care of Oily Face among others:
  1. Oily skin should be cleaned frequently because oily skin will be very easy to dirty and make all the dirt. so will cause blockage in your skin and eventually cause acne. Wash with facial foam is better than using milk or toner.
  2. Oily skin is more likely to menmbun fat. so as to reduce it you have to reduce fat deposits.
  3. Oily fat deposits on the face must often be done how can the use peelling or facial.
  4. Stay away from foods that are capable of triggering the fat on the skin.
  5. To clean the grease and oily skin on your face to keep your face diata boiling water and steam that terkonsentrasia feel on the face. Remember enough to feel the steam alone do not input into the boiling water.

Some Tips To Make Natural Mask for Oily Skin

1. Mask Lime

Manfaat Jeruk Nipis Memutihkan Wajah
We know that lime can suppress the production of excess oil on the face.
It is very easy

- Take one or two pieces of lime wash to clean
- Cut the oranges clean cut before then we squeeze the water
- Remember we only use skin
- Results of juice before you can drink while kulitya
- Oles - apply to your face
- Let stand for 25 minutes
- Wash use / warm water
Do not forget to do it regularly once a week

2. Masks Apples

Manfaat Apel untuk Kulit
Apples have anti-fat content and be able to lift lkotoran and fat on the face.
The trick
- Siapka 1 apple and cut into several pieces and do not forget to prepare as well as honey
- Blender apples until soft
- Add the honey on the results of earlier blenderan and mix well
- Put apples and honey earlier into the refrigerator let stand for 15 minutes
- If you already remember not diminun ok. But wear like you wear a mask try to rub it using a brush
- Then let stand a few minutes.
- After 30 minutes or so, rinse with warm aorthen rinse again with cold water
- Perform routine once a week

3. Mask Pineapple

Manfaat Nanas BAgi Kulit dan kecantikan

Pineapple for women should not be dokinsumsi excessively because it is not good for the uterus. However, when applied externally it is very good and does not cause side effects
- Prepare pineapple juice and coconut milk to taste
- Then stir until evenly
- Use a cotton swab and dab on face
- Let stand 25 minutes until dry and then rinse with warm water and rinse again with cold water

4. Mask Wine

Manfaat Anggur Bagi Kecantikan dan Kulit Berminyak

The trick
- Just cut grapes and apply on face
- Perform evenly
- Wait until dry about 20 Enit or more
then rinse with cold water

5. Mask Watermelon

Manfaat Semangka Bagi Wajah Berminyak

The trick
- Siapkam 1 slice of watermelon skin, cucumber and aloe vera
- Drying watermelon skin to dry then mash until smooth (can be blended so fast)
- Blender also cucumber and aloe meat
- Combine and mix well
- Apply to face and let stand
- Rinse with water

Easy is not it natural to make a mask oily skin naturally at home. For best results do maskeran process earlier in kedaan relax (recommended while sleeping). Rest for a moment all your problems. because stress can be a major cause of oily face. Make sure you feel better and comfortable.

That Tips to Overcome Oily Skin Naturally , Briliant have visited do not forget to read the various other types of information. If this article useful for you please share with a friend - your friend.
How to Overcome the Oily with Powerful and Fast Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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