How to Treat Natural Whitish
Powerful Ways To Treat Natural Whitish - Whitish is one thing / fear factor for women. Because whiteness can cause discomfort, itching and odor of the female organs. Especially for those of you who already mnikah whiteness can lower self-esteem so that not a few that lead to disharmony in the household.
How To Treat The Traditional Whitish |
A. What is whitish?
Before we discuss more about how to treat vaginal discharge, let us know in advance what it is whitish. According to the article I read on the site wikipedia knowledge, the meaning of whiteness is as follows:
Whitish is secretion [process to create and release a chemical substance in the form of mucus made by the body cells and glands ] Vaginal in women. Whitish can generally be divided into two, namely: [1]keputihan normal (Physiological) [2]keputihan abnormal (Pathological).
[1] Whitish Physiological
Whitish physiological is a normal discharge occurs and need not worry because the whiteness of this type will usually occur in women who already menstruating. This condition occurs when a woman entered the fertile period, before and after menstruation, or when the received stimuli.
- Aqueous liquid
- A transparent or translucent liquid color
- No sticky liquid
- No odor
- Does not cause itching
- The amount of fluid that comes out slightly
If you experience vaginal discharge with the characteristics above, no need to panic. This normally occurs every month. If you feel uncomfortable, wash your sex organs with clean water, dry with a clean towel and change your underwear.
[2] Pathological leucorrhoea
This type is a whitish vaginal discharge that is not normal and you should be aware. Some vaginal discharge is a signal of this type of disease in female organs or regions of the uterus. If whitish pathology occurs in pregnant women, the risk is one of the health problems in infants.
The characteristics of abnormal vaginal discharge is:
- Viscous liquid
- Usually milky white, yellow, greenish or grayish
- Sometimes sticky liquid
- Causing odor
- Irritate
- The amount of fluid a lot and will leave spots on underwear
If you have the characteristics of this whiteness, our best advice is to immediately check with your doctor or health care professional. Often women try to treat yourself whitish with taking medication, herbal or wear a feminine cleanser soap can actually aggravate the condition of vaginal discharge.
B. Cause Whitish
We already know what it is whitish and In general, vaginal discharge can be caused by the following points:
- Hormonal imbalance
- The symptoms of a particular disease
- Damage to the biological balance and acidity (pH) environment of the vagina.
- Often using tissue when washing femininity, after urinating or defecating
- Wearing tight underwear from synthetic materials
- Often using public toilet foul
- Not replace panty liner
- Error when rinsing the vagina from the wrong direction. Ie from the direction of the anus to the vagina toward the front
- Often exchanging briefs / towels with others
- Less keep the vagina
- Exhaustion
- Stress
- Not immediately replace the pads during menstruation
- Use any soap to wash the vagina
- Not mejalani healthy lifestyle (eating irregularly, never exercise, sleep less)
- Staying in the humid tropics
- Environmental sanitation dirty.
- Often bath with warm water and heat. The fungus that causes vaginal discharge is more likely to grow in warm conditions.
- Frequently changing partners in sex
- High blood sugar levels
- Often scratched vagina
The conclusion was Whitish can occur because women are less able to pay attention and take care of their female organs.
C. How to Treat Vaginal discharge?
In accordance with the above title that way I will share here is the traditional way. Why should the traditional way? because usually the traditional way tend to wear natural ingredients while all things natural are usually more secure, in contrast to chemical substances. There are several ways to overcome vaginal discharge are as follows:
1. Treat with whitish broth Dauh Sirih
Betel leaves are believed to overcome the various problems of the female organs including discharge. To treat vaginal discharge with betel leaf is very easy, namely:
- First, prepare the material that is as much as 10-15 pieces of betel leaves (to taste),
- then you wash the betel leaf.
- After that betel leaves boiled with water 2.5 - 3 liters (or secukpnya).
- Use boiled water betel leaves to wash / wash your feminine area.
You can also wash your female organs with betel leaves is boiled water each time you finish baunag little water. Do this regularly, then the whiteness insyaalloh you will get well soon.
2. Treating Whitish with Herbal Remedy KGA (Turmeric + Sugar + Acid)
- Prepare three pieces of turmeric, sugar and tamarind
- Rinse the turmeric
- Grate all the turmeric
- Combine the grated turmeric with palm sugar and tamarind
- Furthermore, feelings get water from the third material
- Drink the potion 2 days / 1 time regularly
3. Treating Whitish with Air Stew Tread Plant Liman
Liman many plants found around our homes, but not many people know the efficacy of these tamanan one of which is to cure vaginal discharge. Liman leaf can be used to treat vaginal discharge. The trick is as follows:
- 2-3 Prepare fruit plants liman
- Rinse the plant Liman
- Then you boil with 2 cups of water puith
- You can drink the water decoction of the plant's liman 2 times / day until your vaginal discharge completely healed
But you should know, because treating a disease is different from the magic that can eliminate everything easily. Treating this disease should be coupled with patience and performed regularly for the disease cured.
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