Here are 10 Danger Coffee For Women

Here are 10 Danger Coffee For Women

Is coffee harmful to women? Coffee certainly is not foreign to diIndonesia. Besides Indonesia Coffee is also very popular in other countries. Therefore, drinking coffee itself has been used as a hobby routinely performed by some quarters. For example, just drinking coffee in the morning, drinking coffee while working, drinking coffee at night, while watching and still a lot. Up to a lot of people do not realize the danger of the coffee itself for him.

Coffee danger for Women

Bahaya Kopi bagi kehamilan
image by.

Coffee was harmful to health especially for women. We know that women have a physical condition that is weaker than the man. So the effects will be felt kkopi drink at all for women. Even for now is a lot of research related to women's health hazards coffee. The question Why Coffee Dangerous for Women? Coffee has some content that is harmful if consumed in a long period of time and in large numbers. The following Dangerous existing content in coffee:

1. Caffeine
Caffeine is a stimulant of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Caffeine is actually not only found in coffee, but also there are various drinks such as soft drinks, tea, chocolate etc. It also contained in some medications eg diet drugs, headaches, and even more than 200 artifacts on the counter drugs. Actually, caffeine is not harmful if consumed in small amounts, and accompanied by drinking plenty of water. Caffeine is harmful to the body when consumed in excess and continuously.

2. Niacin
Niacin merup
would be another form of vitamin B3. Niacin is not only found in coffee but can also be contained in meat, eggs. Niacin can actually treat some diseases such as cholesterol , Cholera, dizziness, migraine etc. However, if excessive niacin can be very dangerous and even can lead to failure kidney and should do a kidney transplant.

Dangers of Drinking Coffee for Women's Health

Here are 10 of the dangers of drinking coffee that is important for you to know, especially for women.

1. Caffenism
Caffeine can make the adrenal glands that make hormones strespun aroused triggered. That's what causes the syndrome Caffenism or perceived after coffee mengkonsusmi. This syndrome can be difficult to sleep or even insomnia, Feeling restless, anxious etc.

2. Digestive Disorders
Excessive caffeine consumption can also make digestion disrupted. Even in some cases consuming too much caffeine can cause damage to the stomach so for women vulnerable to the disease magh is not recommended to consume coffee. Besides drinking coffee before eating also cause nausea and ulcer will relapse. Moreover, because coffee contains acid so it can cause constipation and abdominal pain.

3. Damage Bones
Each consuming about 350 mg of caffeine will reduce the amount of calcium in your body as much as 5 mg. Therefore consume coffee in large quantities can be harmful to health Tulas. Because it will cause bone loss.

4. Reduce Dental Beauty
Drinking coffee can cause yellow teeth , Rocky even black. Women will look more beautiful when smiling and with too much consumption of coffee will make women less confident when smiling.

5. Abnormalities in Breast
Currently too much coffee is consumed breasts will loosen and shrink. In addition to the specific section on the breast could be due to abnormalities in fibrocystic changes. It also can cause some bumps that exist in the breast that cause discomfort and pain. According to research in Georgetown University Departemen of Medicine, Sometimes it can hurt even the pain can be continuous.

6. Premenstual Syndrom (PMS)
PMS is no stranger to the woman. This syndrome was two weeks before the regularmenstruation and stopped after the blood out but some are experiencing this until after menstruation or menstruation. Well premenstrual syndrome can be psychological, physical or emotional. Now what to do with coffee? caffeine in coffee can aggravate the symptoms earlier. Many women who often complain of headaches, pain, and bloating that can be caused by caffeine that has the properties reduce the content of vitamin B and metabolic processes in the body.

7. Pregnant Women Hard
In order for the egg to the uterus it is necessary contractions of the oviduct. This channel will be hampered if we are too much caffeine. Therefore caffeine coffee Galam tekandung can damage trasnportasi lane eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. and it can cause a woman difficult pregnant or can even experience infertility. If four or more cups of coffee drinking during the day can reduce the chance of pregnancy by 25 percent.

8. Disorders of Pregnancy
Coffee Drinking danger for Pregnant Women is not doubt, so many women are better to avoid coffee when pregnant with a baby. Each of a pregnant woman consumes approximately as much as 100 mg of caffeine during pregnancy will reduce the weight of 28gr and baby will make the baby's birth time becomes longer approximately 5 hours. Usually the fetal heart rate becomes weak or not berarutan. Especially if you consume more than 100 grams per day.

9. Miscarriage
Expectant mother who consumed more than 300mg of caffeine can increase the risk as much as two-fold miscarried. Caffeine can cause the placenta into the fetus's life is threatened because the fetus is not able to digest it all. So stay away from caffeine, especially caffeine in coffee. In order to remain healthy fetus in the womb and the wind can be born safely and perfectly.

10. Abnormalities in babies
For those who are pregnant know if it consumes too much coffee during the first few days resulting in difficulty sleeping baby dandenyut jantungnyapun faster. Babies born prematurely could be. Would be much better after melahirkanpun until the baby is not nursing mothers should reduce coffee.

It turns out coffee dangerous for Women's Health and Beauty , Caffeinated coffee is certainly not good, even once the decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine in it just a little more than caffeine. If coffee is consumed as much as 80-100 cups a day can lead to death. Well for those of you who love coffee because the coffee drain the water in the body to replace drink 2 glasses of mineral water after drinking a cup of coffee. Reduce the name begadang coffee accompanied yes because it can create beauty reduced and will make the face seemingly old fast.
Here are 10 Danger Coffee For Women Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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