Yoyo Diet recognize and effect for the Health

Yoyo Diet recognize and effect for the Health

Know the yo-yo diet and its effects on the body – Diet, That's a lot of things done by many people to get a slim body shape. Seen from the actual Tujunnya diet is a good action. Wherein the means already tried this diet to lose weight and reduce the calories the body that can lead to some acute illness. It's just the wrong way of diet that can cause effects undesirable impacts for our bodies. One such diet is the yo-yo dieting.

What do you know about diet yoyo ? Yo-yo dieting is often also referred to as the swivel diet. Almost the same as the name suggests is the yo-yo, where a person will lose weight as short as possible and then they will take back arbitrarily without controlling food what it is. Now, when their weight go up again then they will try to bring it down again with the shortest possible time with a strict diet. Diets like this if done repeatedly - again can torture their bodies. Which mengherannya, many people who do this yo-yo dieting simply because the mere fad, they are not aware if this can adversely affect their health. So whatadverse effects of yo-yo dieting This to our body and how to cope with the bad effects. To find the answer please refer to the following discussion.

The danger of yo-yo dieting for body

Yoyo Diet recognize and effect for the Health

You become frequent dizzy
Sakah the wrong way, but many people do to diet in order to get a slim body in a short time is to drink water. But by this way a lot of the blame they mean, they change all their solid meal with liquid food. Indeed, in this way will easily lose weight quickly. But you need to remember to replace solid foods with liquid food (liquid food) can cause you a headache - dizziness, eye berkunang - could even be too faint glow.

The immune system becomes weak
Significant changes in body weight briefly turns also affect your immune system. A study shows that the yo-yo diet program, then in fact they've lowered their endurance by 30% every day.

Endangering the health of your heart
Weight up and down significantly in a short time it also affects the health of your heart. Unstable weight is able to increase the amount of fat contained in your heart. If hearts are already a lot of fat then your heart health is also threatened. Disease - chronic diseases can emerge from here. This has been conveyed by the Journal of Physiology of Gastrointestinal and liver physiology.

Metabolism disorders
When you go on a diet then you will lack muscle mass. Your muscle mass you can get back if you get pure fat intake. Meanwhile, if your muscle mass decreases the metabolic process becomes increasingly slow, this will result in energy that will be produced by the body.

Frustration and depression
Frustration and depression will usually appear when the person has failed in his diet. While in weight yo-yo dieting alone will betambah after a strict diet. This is what can cause a feeling of depression and frustration. Usually the They will vent their Frusta by eating a lot of food.

Mitigate the adverse effects of yo-yo dieting for body

Here are some tips to keep your body in order berta not increase significantly after a diet and also to distance themselves from the negative impact of the above. Whatever it is, consider the following straight.

Consumption of fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are foods high in fiber content. By eating fruits and vegetables, your digestive tract will be smooth again which can also help keep your weight. In addition, consumption of fruits and vegetables can also make you feel full longer. Research shows that women in their daily consumption of fruits and vegetables often exists at a ratio of 60% to keep the body from obesity.

Avoid fast food (junk food)
Makanana fast majority of fat and calories are high. Which if this is done repeatedly - again can make the body into fat in Waku short. In one study, 62% of people more easily maintain their weight if they do not eat junk food.

Well, more or less that I can convey information about the danger of yo-yo dieting and how to cope , you may also have other information on this yo-yo dieting, if so, I beg you to deign menuliskannnya dikolom comments for the sake of other readers. So the info this time, may be useful for you.

Yoyo Diet recognize and effect for the Health Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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