Getting Rid of Hiccups In Adults

Getting Rid of Hiccups In Adults

Getting Rid of Hiccups

Hiccup or better known by the name of singultus in terms of the medical world is an event where inadvertently arrived - arrived excessive contraction) in the diaphragm, which usually occurs over and over - and over in every minute. Spasms in the diaphragm that causes the vocal cords us close quickly, so the sound cegukkan out of our mouths.

There are so many things that can cause hiccups. Penyabab quite dominant of which is fed with terlelu quickly, fairly cold drink after eating hot food, eating spicy food, laugh too loud and excessive, coughing too hard, and too much to consume alcoholic beverages. However, sometimes this hiccup appeared at the time - a certain time. There are also stating thatcause hiccups is due to the tumor and kidney disease, although the cause of this rarely happens. This fact is based on reports the American Cancer Society reported that approximately 30% of patients experiencing hiccups seteah do kemotrapi.

Tips Menghilangkan Cegukan Pada Orang Dewasa
eliminate hiccups in adults

Symptoms - Symptoms of hiccups is however, not very visible. Symptoms - gelaja of cegukkan including the occurrence of a jerk - a small jerk in the area around the chest and throat, accompanied by the sound of HIC. You should also mewasadai, because if you frequency of hiccups is one symptom of a more serious disease in your body, one of which is a disease of the brain tumor. This case has been experienced by a Briton.

Previously you should know that this hiccup in the widened two types, namely hiccups temporary and permanent hiccups. Of course, the treatment of each - each is different hiccup.
Treatment of hiccups while

Many people who do not treat this hiccup. Indeed, this hiccup will generally heal by itself. But, of course we want a faster healing process, therefore we need to take some action toeliminate hiccups Meanwhile
  • Overcoming way hiccup with sugar, a teaspoon of curry enter into our tongue, if you already do not directly ingested sugar. But the spittle of sugar results in your tongue.
  • Breathe in - in about 10 minutes, then remove it slowly, and breathe as normal return.
  • Drink plenty of cold water slowly - land.
  • Breathing with paper bags.
  • Pool at least 20 minutes in the water temperature is between 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Treatment of hiccups permanent

If you let your hiccups or maybe you've tried to treat it, but not lost, missing too hiccups, this sign will have meengidap permanent hiccups. For now own no cure or natural therapy to eliminate this permanent hiccups. So the solution is to consult with your doctor so that you get the best advice as to do this or that.

For the prevention of this hiccup in order not menghinggap in your body back, so it's good if from now on you are away from it - it is the cause of hiccups that I have mentioned above, avoid as much as possible and as best you can.

Perhaps this is only the info that I can convey relation to how to eliminate the hiccups, So much from me, and this may be useful for you or for your friends / relatives who are experiencing hiccups.

Getting Rid of Hiccups In Adults Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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