Causes and How to Treat Coughs Naturally with Herbal Remedy

Causes and How to Treat Coughs Naturally with Herbal Remedy

Causes and How to Treat Coughs Naturally with Herbal Remedy - According tohealth info I read on the website of knowledge , Turned out to cough is not a disease but a defense mechanism of the body or the way the body maintain and protect the respiratory tract. In addition cough is a symptom of a disease or a reaction in the body when there is irritation of the throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so forth. Want to know how to treat a cough? let's go read!

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Causes and How to Treat Coughs Naturally with Herbal Remedy

How to Cope with Natural Cough

Coughing can occur due to certain stimuli, such as the presence of dust in the cough receptors (nasal, respiratory, and even ear). Then receptor will pass through a nerve to the cough center located in the brain. Selanjtnya cough receptors will signal to the muscles in the body to remove foreign objects, through a process called with a cough.

Cough can be divided into two types: acute cough and chronic cough, and both types of coughs are differentiated based on time. So we can know what kind of cough that we have experienced of how long we have a cough.
  1. Acute cough
    Acute cough is a cough that occurs and lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days or occurs in 3 episodes for 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.

  2. Chronic Cough
    Recurrent chronic cough that often affects children is because of asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough of 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.FM JB

Causes of Cough

Before we mencar know how to cure a cough, we must first know what are the things that can trigger coughing. Cough can be caused by several things which are as follows:
  1. Generally caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract is a symptom of the flu.
  2. Upper respiratory tract infection (ARI).
  3. Allergy
  4. Asthma or tuberculosis
  5. Foreign body into the airways
  6. Choking from drinking milk
  7. Inhaling smoke from people around
  8. Psychogenic cough. This cough caused a lot of emotional and psychological problems.

How to Treat Cough?

There beberpa way we can do when coughing attack them is by doing these tips to overcome cough following:

  1. Wear Jacket
    Wear a jacket when you leave the house, especially when the weather is cold, the aim reduced cough and keep the body warm. Buddy inner can also shower with warm water, warm foods, drink warm, warm-warm pokonya hehe.
  2. Use White Wood Oil
    To keep the body warm inner buddy can also use eucalyptus oil for dibalukan in the chest, neck and nose.
  3. Reduce food Yang Manis
    When you cough, you can also reduce the food / drink sweet trillionth of sugar as food or drink sweet believed to trigger coughing
  4. How To Cure Cough with soy sauce mixture and Lime
    To cure a cough with a mixture of soy sauce and lime, it is very easy, we can perform the following steps:

    a. Materials: 
    - 1 or 2 Fruit Lime
    - 1 Ketchup Sachet

    b. How to use: 
    Shopping lime earlier into 2 parts, then squeeze the lime juice was added to the glass. At the end, mix with soy sauce. Then you drink a mixture of soy sauce and lime juice is 2 -3 times / day until your cough completely subsided.
  5. How to Treat Cough with Herbal Remedy
    If using a mixture of soy sauce and lime less powerful, you can try to makeHerbal Medicine The following cough remedy. Way too easy, you just do the following steps:

    a. Materials
    - Sugar cubes to taste
    - 7 Sheets betel leaves
    - 30 grams kencur

    b. Ways:
    First adana kencur iris leaves and mix with betel leaf, after which you boiled with water - + 600cc, and 300cc wait until the water remaining. Then you strain the cooking water kencur leaves and betel leaf and mix with the rock sugar. Then you drink this herbal concoction two times a day until your cough completely healed
  6. Wear Masks When Driving
    Wearing a mask while driving may reduce the risk of disorders of the respiratory tract caused by air pollution.
  7. Expand Drinking Water
    The last way is a simple way that just by drinking water. Why should memperanyak drinking water? As we have seen previously, that the white water has many benefits and one of them is to maintain the health of our body, including maintaining the cleanliness of the throat.

Coughing can also be grouped into two: a cough with phlegm and cough with phlegm, want to know information about the kinds of cough and its jensi healing? Check out the next article on "How to Heal Dry cough and cough with phlegm". So you do not ketinggala other health information, you can subscribe via email.

Thus info aboutCauses and How to Treat Coughs Naturally with Herbal Remedy , Hopefully this health information can be useful, especially for those who need it. Thank You

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Causes and How to Treat Coughs Naturally with Herbal Remedy Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep


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