8 Best Foods For Pregnant Women To Stay Healthy!

8 Best Foods For Pregnant Women To Stay Healthy!

8 Food Good For Pregnant Women - The food intake of pregnant women it should be noted for the sake of the health of mother and child. A pregnant woman is not recommended because it can lead to eating indiscriminate effects for mother and baby. If you are a pregnant woman you should maintain your health by exercising for pregnant women and also eating right - right. Healthy foods for pregnant women is difficult because we also have to pay attention to the ingredients in food. Here are some tips diet for pregnant women.

See also: Quick Ways Pregnancy Pregnant Doctor recommended!

8 Makanan Terbaik Untuk Ibu Hamil Agar Tetap Sehat! - Makanan Sehat Untuk Ibu Hamil - Ibu Hamil Wajib Tahu Makanan Yang Baik
Type Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

Best Foods For Pregnant Women

1. Consuming Eggs

Telur baik baik dikonsumsi ibu hamil agar tidak kekurangan gizi
A nutritionist named Elizabeth Ward said that the egg is a meal that is great for pregnant women because it is very beneficial to the mother and fetus keshatan. Egg itself contains calories about 90 calories in one egg. In addition there are very many vitamin content, nearly 12 vitamin is present in the egg. Not only that, the eggs also contain a lot of protein and minerals. Eggs are one healthy foods for pregnant women rich in choline and will encourage the growth of the baby and the baby's brain health in your stomach. By eating egg cells - cells that are in the baby your baby will grow at an exponential rate and every cell. So for your pregnant woman should multiply the consumption of eggs for the health of the fetus and your health.

2. Consume salmon

Ikan Salmon Baik dikonsumsi Ibu Hamil
Ikan Salmon

Besides famous salmon with good taste also contain some substances that are very good for pregnant women. Fish slmon filled with high-quality protein, but salmon is also a source of omega 3 fats are very useful for the health of the baby in your belly. different from other fish that contain a lot of mercury as salmon contain little mercury, mercury itself is very dangerous for pregnant women because it disturbs the baby's developing nervous system. But you are also not recommended to consume ffor salmon too much, you should consume degan limit 12 ounces per week to reduce the dangers of mercury.

3. Eat Beans

Kacang-kacangan Baik dikonsumsi Ibu Hamil
By eating beans will provide many benefits for pregnant wantia. Of all kinds of nuts, beans are one of the best compared to the others because the fiber and protein at most if it be compared to other kinds of nuts - nuts other. Protein is a substance that is most important for your pregnancy, but also fiber is a substance that is important for a pregnant woman for nine months because during pregnancy the digestive tract has slowed and could lead to the risk of constipation, fiber well who can overcome this. Besides beans also have a lot of substances that are very good for the growth of the fetus such as folate and calcium.

4. Consuming walnuts

Walnut baik dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil
If you do not like to eat fish or eggs however you need omega-3 for you and your content, you can try to consume walnuts. Walnut is one of the richest vegetable source of omega-3. So you can try to use into a snack or a salad as you like.

5. consume Popcorn and Grains

Popcorn dan Bijian baik untuk ibu hamil
Popcorn and grains
Popcorn is one of the foods that contain wheat. Well wheat alone has kasiat great for women - pregnant women. Wheat contains a lot of fiber which is very helpful to the health of your content and also contain other nutirisi even vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients or plant compounds that protect cells - the cells in your body. So not only are the actual popcorn, eat foods that are made from wheat because it was very nice.

6. Consuming yams

Ubi Jalan Baik untuk ibu hamil
Sweet potato
Who would have thought the sweet potato can also be a healthy food for you the pregnant mother , In no orange sweet potato that has carotenoids that contains vitamin A in our bodies. Besides the sweet potato also has other content that really help the health of your baby such as fiber, vitamin C and folate as well as diet tips for pregnant women , Especially the sweet potato is a plant that is easy to be planted, so you can grow your home dipekarangan to get results without wasting a lot of money.

7. Eat green vegetables

Sayuran hijau baik dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil untuk menjaga agar ibu hamil tetap sehat
Consuming green vegetables have no doubt the usefulness for pregnant mothers. Vegetables provide many benefits to the mother understood because it contains the nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, and K as well as folate. Green vegetables are best are dark green vegetables such as spinach, other than good for the health of the baby in your tummy vegetables are also very good for the health of your eyes.

8. Consume lean meat

Daging tanpa lemak yang dimasak setengah matang baik untuk ibu hamil
Lean meat
Meat has a lot of content that is necessary for a pregnant woman, but if you want to eat meat you should choose lean meat or fat is separated. Consuming fatty meat is not prohibited, but should be avoided as they prevent the transfer of bacteria between meat such as salmonella your baby.

Good News !!!

Tips about other pregnancy can be found in the book "Guide How to Get Pregnant"Written by Doctor Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG.

Get it now!

Cara Cepat Hamil Terbukti Ampuh dan Berhasil

With seven healthy foods for pregnant women above you also still required to maintain your health properly. Because when a healthy baby in the mother's abdomen will also feel healthier. A few posts about good eating for pregnant women and we hope to be able to avoid food is not good for pregnant women.
8 Best Foods For Pregnant Women To Stay Healthy! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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