7 Ways to Overcome Foot Odor Naturally

7 Ways to Overcome Foot Odor Naturally

Overcome foot odor , That's what we will discuss this time. Speaking of foot odor , You also may have experienced. I was so, I never experienced the smell of feet, and it makes me feel confident, especially when be in a room, because a strong odor that makes other people feel disturbed. Now, therefore this time I will share tips on how to eliminate foot odor. But before that, let's discuss one by one starting from the cause.

Causes Smelly Feet

Foot odor can be caused by several things, one of which is that our lifestyle is not healthy. Foot odor caused by perspiration in the foot area are mixed with bacteria, so it will cause odor. In addition, foot odor can also be caused by the use of shoes and socks are still wet, can get wet due to rain or not completely dry when dried.

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How to Prevent Foot Odor?

Foot odor is not actually going to happen if we lead a healthy lifestyle and regular, well here are some things we can do to prevent foot odor:
  • Always wash your shoes and socks regularly
  • Avoid the use of shoes and socks were still dry
  • When you want to wear new shoes purchased, it is good, before the shoe is worn, you sprinkle and rub coffee grounds into your shoes.
  • Always wash your feet before and after mekai shoes, then dry your feet and then you can wear the shoes
  • Avoid storing shoes and socks in place a damp / wet.
  • When your shoes and socks wet in the rain, you try to wipe immediately and dry / dried

How to Cope with Foot Odor

Then, what if you already smelly feet? Calm because here I will share the most powerful tips to overcome foot odor that may be you can try at home too.

1. Using Anti-Bacterial Soap
First tip, if you are already smelly feet, you can use anti-bacterial soap to clean your feet from the remnants of sweat and bacteria that stick in your leg

2. lemon juice
Tips This second way is quite simple, as all you have to do is soak your feet in lemon juice. Soak your feet in lemon juice for 15-25 minutes and do 2-3 times a day. Lemon juice can control and maintain the moisture of your feet.

3. Menggunakan Deodorant
In addition it can be used to reduce the production of excessive sweating armpits section, it is also a powerful deodorant on removing bacteria that cause foot odor. So, if your feet smell, you could try using a deodorant as a solution.

4. Overcome foot odor with coffee
As I have said before, the coffee is quite powerful in removing smelly feet, how? you can put coffee powder into a plastic silica, remedy and then you save the bottom of your shoes.

5. Eliminate foot odor with tea
In addition to coffee you can also use the tea as a deodorizing foot, How? do almost the same as using lemon. We just need to soak your feet in tea water for several minutes.

6. Always cut your nails regularly
Why should cut the nails? the answer is because the nails can hold dirt and sweat mixes with bacteria that can cause odors kaki.Maka of it, cut nails kai regularly so that you avoid foot odor.

7. Always use shoes and socks were clean
Well, if you ask me, this step emang mandatory. Because if shoes and socks that we use absolutely clean and dry, then smell the foot was not going to happen.

How can I reduce the odor in the shoe?

Here, I am telling you again tips to reduce odors on shoes / socks smell you. How to? is easy enough, you will first provide some sheets of paper, then wrap the shoes and smelly socks you with the paper, guaranteed deh will not be too pungent smell.

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It turns out a way to overcome foot odor it very easy does not it? well, for those of you who have the same problem, maybe the above tips you try at home. Good tips overcome foot odor This can provide benefits to you. Good luck and greetings healthy. :)
7 Ways to Overcome Foot Odor Naturally Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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