11 Tips on How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally and Proven Effective

11 Tips on How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally and Proven Effective

11 Tips on How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally - Body odor is the body odor caused by bacteria and sweat. Even though sweat is odorless, but the presence of sweat helps to multiply the number of bacteria in our bodies. Sweat usually appear after a human activity, especially strenuous activity.

11 Tips Cara Menghilangkan Bau Badan Secara Alami dan Terbukti Ampuh
11 Tips on How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally and Proven Effective

Natural Ways to Eliminate Body Odor

As mentioned above, that the body odor caused by an bacteria that mixes with sweat. Sweat produced from a gland that is in our body that accrine and apocrine glands. Both kelenjartersebut functions / roles are different. Gland accrine produces clear and odorless glands, glands of this kind has been produced since our baby, usually out on the palms, forehead, and back.

Whereas glands apocrine usually out at certain places associated with the growth of hair such as armpit, nose and genitals. The gland production will increase, especially during the period of puberty -masa which when mixed with bacteria, it will cause odor which was then called the body odor.

Knowingly or not, body odor can reduce our confidence in the mix. People who would normally be inferior body odor when in close contact with other people, despite wearing perfume, but sometimes still smell the body odor. Then how do I get body odor can be lost from our bodies? well, in this post mimin will share tips potent eliminate body odor. Curious? let's seimak following tips:

10 Powerful Ways to Remove Body Odor Naturally

1. Eliminate Body Odor with Bath Regularly

Body odor can occur if the irregular pattern of our life, such as we rarely bathe. Therefore if you want to get rid of body odor, wash regularly three times a day.

2. Coping with Water Body Odor Betel leaf decoction

Already know betel leaves, right? The tablets of the leaves that have many benefits, which is one of the benefits is to eliminate body odor so easy way. Provide approximately 30 sheets / taste of betel leaf. Mix with water 1 to taste. Then heat until the water is really boiling. After that the betel boiling water mixed with cold water to the cooking water is not too hot. After that, take a bath with the water decoction of the betel leaf. Do this on a regular basis

3. Treating Body Odor in Drinking Water Betel leaf decoction

In addition to the ways bathed, betel leaf can also be taken so that the results are optimal. How to use it easily. We only need to provide a few pieces of betel leaf, then soak with 1 cup of water. Wait until the betel leaves soaking water cooler, and drink. To make it more palatable, you can also add white sugar.

4. Eliminate Body Odor with Lime

Take 1 orange then Otong and take the water. After that mix the lemon juice with betel leaves and lime. Then you apply on the body is believed to be the source of body odor such as armpits.

5. Eliminate Body Odor with Cengih

Bagaiana clove is one of the herbs that can be used to repel body odor. The trick, take a few pieces of clove bud and then soak it with water until the clove fruit expands. After the water is drunk. If you prefer, you can also add sugar to taste better. Or you can also apply clove immersion water in your armpit.

6. Eliminate the Agency with Cucumber

Provide 1 cucumber, then peel the cucumber. After the instigation of the cucumber pieces on the body smell every time you finish bathing.

7. Eliminate Body Odor with basil

Basil leaves we often encounter in the market or eat at home. Usually used urab like basil or rice salad as a friend. Eat basil leaves regularly morning and afternoon then you will be spared from the name of body odor

8. Eliminate Body Odor with Ginger

Ginger is a spice that has a spicy flavor and warm. Ginger is often used as a warm drink or used as a substitute for oil massage. But we can also use ginger as a remedy to overcome body odor. We can also drink ginger regularly in order to avoid body odor. In addition we can also scrub-rubbing grated ginger in the armpits to avoid the smell Abdan.

9. Eliminate Body Odor with kecombrang

For my area (Main) kecombrang better known as the "raw material" or "Ginger". Well, that's another area I do not know hehe. But you can find info on google about what it kecombrang. Kecombrang usually taken young leaves or fruit as an ingredient for making salad, salad terutma 7 monthly. Kecombrang this sour. Kecombrang also can be used to overcome the smell of the body, how to consume keceombrang. Or it could also punch kecombrang then rubbed in the area that became the source of body odor (armpit)

10. Eliminate Body Odor with Leaf Beluntas

Beluntas is a much branched shrub, ribbed smooth and fluffy. Generally, this plant is grown as a hedge or even wild, can reach 3 meters if not pruned, so it is often planted as a fence yard. But it turns than can be used as a hedge plant, beluntas also useful in overcoming body odor do that we just need to consume as fresh vegetables, or cooked first.

11. Use The Right Clothes

That is use comfortable clothes that make our body can breathe eg cotton clothes that can make the sweat evaporate naturally. Avoid using tight clothes with synthetic or polyester fiber materials, especially in the armpit area.

In addition to the above matters, it turns out body odor can also be caused by several types of food tablets. If you want to know info about the foods that cause body odor, you can read the next article about "Types of Food Causes Body Odor"I'm going to post at the next opportunity. Therefore, do not forget to always visit inkesehatan blog ini ya :)

Thus arikel11 Tips on How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally and Proven Effective, Hopefully this simple article can be useful for those of you in particular who has an issue with the body odor hehe. Oh yes, after reading, do not forget to leave comments and suggestions boxed like it! then click the "Like", "tweet" and "Googleplus" below, so that more people are aware of this information. Thank You

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11 Tips on How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally and Proven Effective Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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