This is 7 Cause You Thin Body!

This is 7 Cause You Thin Body!

7 Causes Skinny Body - Having an ideal body mpian everyone, including me hehe. But whatever the power if fate would, we should be grateful for what God has given us. But as a man, we too can not do anything for granted, we must try to get something we want, including a weight problem. The thin body has often made us less confident and insecure in the mix, especially for men. In contrast to women, who tend to want a slim body. Well, for those of you who happen to find it had a problem with weight, you should read this article until the end.

Inilah 7 Hal Penyebab Badan Anda Kurus!

Causes Skinny Body (Not Ideal)?

Here are some things that can be the cause of why your body lean:

1. Genetic Factors

Genetic factors are also called hereditary factors which every person must have the gene in each cell that exist in the body. The gene is a determinant trait inherited from both parents, whether it's recessive or dominant. Nah, including posture can also be influenced by genetics. Skinny can of inherited genetic parents. May also parents we are not thin, but ask them if there are great-grandparents thin. That is what is called a recessive gene factors.

2. Too Many Mind and Stress

Thinking has always been a characteristic of humans than other creatures. However, too much thinking will also lead to stress. Thinking also requires energy, if we continue to think and not balanced eating and resting well-balanced, there will be an overhaul of fat and protein in your body. Which resulted in a reshuffle that our muscles shrink alias thin.

3. Lack of Nutritional Intake

Nutrition deficiency can cause our body lean. Because our bodies do not do not get the appropriate nutrients. Eg, irregular eating patterns and rarely consume foods that included 4 healthy 5 perfect as eggs, vegetables, milk and so on.

4. Consuming Less Water Mineral (Less Drink)

Water is one of the most important for humans because most of the molecules making up the human body is water. How often do you drink in a day? How gelaskah you drink every day? Has a thin body can also be caused by a lack of drinking, as a result of our digestive disorders. Drink 8 glasses per day minimum that is great. We should prioritize drinking water other than water because water is rich in minerals puith different from other water already contains many chemicals which of course is very dangerous for our body.

5. Less Rest / Too much begadang

So that the whole body can work optimally of course we should be able to balance andara activity, eat and rest. If not there will be disruption in our body. This problem usually occurs in those who often work overtime until their sleep time consumed by work.

6. Too Much Consuming Alcoholic Beverages

You need to know, for those of you who think that by eating excessive junk food you will be fat, it is wrong. Eating junk food such as pizza, burgers and other junk food would be a way to gain weight is wrong. You will be at risk of heart disease because of the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood is high. Junk food contains fewer calories and more fat. Alcohol also contains fewer calories that do not add significant weight. Alcohol will make your stomach filled with gas and it was full so that your appetite will be reduced.

7. Less Sports

Sports like a trivial thing that many people do not mementingkannya. Though orahraga very beneficial for maintaining a healthy body. People whose lives lack of exercise the body will be susceptible to illnesses that will cause your body to become thin.

Well, that's a few things that can cause your body thin, therefore we should be able to set the pattern of our lives. Well, for those of you who want to have an ideal body or want to find out some interesting tips about health, especially How to Increase Weight Naturally and Quickly, you can read the next article on "How to Effectively Increase Weight Naturally" Therefore, do not forget to always visit the blog healthy
 These online. So that I can samapaikan in the article entitled "This is the cause of the Agency 7 Things You Thin!". May be useful and thank you for visiting!
This is 7 Cause You Thin Body! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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