9 Tips Strategies For Your Child Love Vegetables

9 Tips Strategies For Your Child Love Vegetables

How do I respond to a child who did not like vegetables? All this time we know that vegetables are very important for their health. Vegetables contain many nutrients needed by the body. Do not consume vegetables can cause health problems, one of them is obese or overweight. This can occur because the body lacks many of the nutrients. Then, as a parent, what should we do? To know the answer, let us go read!

As a parent, your job is to make the kids stay healthy by making them eat healthy food, one of which is vegetable. However, there are important things you should know. Never try to force them. Because of the way would not change their eating habits. So what's the solution? Apparently make your child eat vegetables is not difficult. The solution is, you only need to present the vegetables in containers or different forms.

9 Ways To Kids Eat Vegetables

9 Cara Lezat Agar Anak Anda Mau Makan Sayuran
Children do not like vegetables

Here are some ways of presenting vegetables that will make your children like vegetables. Let us consider the following steps!

1. Presenting Vegetables in Form risoles

Menyajikan Sayuran dalam Bentuk Risoles
The first way is to present vegetables in the form of resoles. Risoles is food containing meat, usually minced meat and vegetables wrapped in a fried, breaded and fried after panir and chicken egg beaters.

2. Make Healthy Pasta

Membuat Pasta Sehat
The second way is to create a healthy pasta mixed with vegetables. You can make healthy wheat pasta by adding various types of vegetables in it. Children love pasta and mixed vegetables with pasta is one of the best ways that you kids eat vegetables.

3. Make Fried Vegetables

Membuat Sayur Goreng
Presenting vegetables by frying using olive oil will make the vegetables crisp. Because olive oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids agan that can make food more crispy. Research shows that children are more menyuka crunchy food. For example you can make french fries, fried cabbage, or mixing different kinds of vegetables and then fried. This will make your child willing to eat vegetables without having to be forced.

4. Do not Present in the Form of Raw Vegetables

Do not present sauran in raw form, because usually the kids did not like it. You can menyjikan vegetables in the form of soup. Serve the soup with fried potatoes. It also can make your child more like vegetables.

5. Serve vegetables in Shape Hamburger

Children love hamburgers. We can insert vegetables that have been fried into hamburger. However, as has been said above, you have to fry some vegetables with olive oil. After that you can put it into hamburger. In order to taste more delicious, you can add a fried egg in it.

6. Berikah Gift

If your child still does not like vegetables, you can use the other way is by giving him a gift. Give your child a prize if they want to eat vegetables. Not necessarily with expensive items. Simply give them snacks, stickers or toys that they like.

7. Be Example For Your Children

As parents, we should give a good example for children. Because children usually will mimic parental habits, including eating habits. To that end, be a good example for your child to live a healthy diet. One of them likes to eat vegetables.

8. Encourage Them to Participate in Cooking

Ajak Mereka untuk Turut Serta dalam Memasak
It is one of the best ways to introduce vegetables to your children. Encourage your child to be creative with foods made from vegetables. When ripe, invite them to taste the meal. After that, they will get used to eating vegetables.

9. Tell Those About Benefits of Vegetables

Beritahu Mereka Tentang Manfaat Sayuran
Most people do not want to do anything because they do not know the benefits. So also with the children, they do not like vegetables may be the cause is because they do not know what vegetables for health benefits

How, if you're ready to try the above methods? Let us learn to be a smart parents, who can love a child without spoiling. Hopefully the above tips can be beneficial to you and anyone who reads.
9 Tips Strategies For Your Child Love Vegetables Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: hanafisumenep

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